Dance artist
Performer / dancer, movement director / choreographer / body trainer, body arts and scene’s teacher and researcher with interest between dance and writing in the creation process, besides acting with an emphasis on improvisation studies and contact improvisation.
Master in Dance in PPGDAN/UFRJ Program - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Post Graduated in the Specialization Program PCA (Body Preparation in the Performing Arts) at Faculdade Angel Vianna (FAV), both with the research Word Body Laboratory (LAB CORPO PALAVRA).
Performance Improvement through the F.I.A. Program (Accompanied Intensive Training) of c.e.m. (moving center), Lisbon.
Graduated in Full Degree at the Faculdade Angel Vianna.
Technical Training in Contemporary Dance at Escola Angel Vianna.
Certified in Introductory Module and CS1 of Craniosacral Therapy Techniques by Upledger Brasil.
Capacitation training by Ivaldo Bertazzo Institute (SP) in Method of the Reeducation of Movement (2018)
Substitute Dance Teacher at Colégio Pedro II - Unidade Realengo II [2018-2019], being founder and team member of NACE - Scenic Arts Center, as part of elaboration and delivery of Pedagogical Political Project for implementation of Technical Course in Dance and Theater at the institution.
Researcher at University Extension Group CLiPES - Body, Language, Politics, Education and Subjectivity, linked to the Research and Culture Line of the Multi-institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Diffusion of Knowledge (UFBA, IFBA, UNEB, UEFS, LNCC and CIMANTEC ).
Is also linked to the Interdisciplinary Master in Humanities at UNILAB, particularly the Education, Politics and Languages Research Line.

Director of Moebius Barn and Propositor-Creator of Body Word Laboratory (Lab Corpo Palavra). In the past 6 years has been working with Lab Corpo Palavra in different private and public spaces, in the most diverse formats, from artistic residencies to training courses.
Recently the project “Lab Corpo Palavra: Coreografias e Dramaturgias Cartograficas” (Body Word Laboratory: Cartographic Choreographies and Dramaturgies) has been awarded the Promotion of All Arts Award, from the Federal Law Aldir Blanc [2021-2020] and Culture Present in the Networks of the State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government from the State of Rio de Janeiro, through the State Culture Fund with the project "Introductory Class - Lab Corpo Palavra" [2020].
In addition to activities in universities and public schools in Brazil, urban and rural cultural centers and spaces, training and artistic creation courses at Espaço Corpo do Sesc Copacabana, RJ [2017] and FUNARTE's (National Arts Foundation) Technical and Artistic Training Program [2019].

In 2020, the editorial label Cadernos Sensórias Corpo Palavra, the poetic resonance space of Body Word Laboratory’s production is inaugurated, with three e-books already released national and internationally - "Vertigem Infinita", "Forças Intermoleculares", and Texturas Translúcidas.
Team member at Espaço Lua Branca / MG - Brazil; composes the curation and core management of “Entre Serras: Artistic and Poetic Residencies of Sustainability” program, in activity since 2015, promotes artistic work in rural areas, outside large urban centers, encouraging a policy of community and ecological projects; having been awarded the Fomento Award from the State Culture’s Fund / MG [2018] and the Iberescena’s Fund [2020-2021].
The artist has a wide participation in artistics residencies programs in Brazil and abroad, highlighting:
}} CENTA Artistic Residency - Vila Velha de Rodão / Portugal [2015], where she started the path of creation of the Decopulagem project;
}} Residency Program of Eco Vila Terra Una [2012], where he realized the Manoelesco Project - Manoel de Barros' poetry in a dance body, realizating “Matéria / Substance” video dance, in partnership with Canadian artist Allison Moore, with wide circulation in several festivals and cinema and video dance shows in Brazil, Chile, Spain, Portugal and Canada.
}} Practical Listening Residence through the Iberescena Fund 2020, alongside Chilean and Uruguayan artists, they lived in indigenous villages and fishing villages that were the motives for creating performances presented at the end of the tour.
Co-founder and activist of the Contact Improvisation Movement in Rio de Janeiro; creator of the Site Contact Improvisation Brazil.

Currently has been dedicating herself to the national and international circulation of the authorial research of the book-performance “Decopulagem”, with presentations around cities in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, and the United Kingdom. having performed an international launch of the solo performance with a book exhibition at the POP Moves 12th annual conference - Moving Beyond Coloniality: Practices of Emancipation Across Performances of the Popular, University of Roehampton, London 2019.
Team member of “Paulo Freire: the Andarilho da Utopia” show as body trainer, directed by Luiz Antônio Rocha, the show received nomination for the Shell Theater Award in the Innovation category in 2019.
Director, proposer artist and performer of itinerant street performance “Corpo Ambiente” with national circulation between 2015 and 2017.
Among the performances shows and audiovisual productions, the following stand out:
Performer of the Impele Dance Company, in the show “Mar de Ressaca”, directed by Marco André Nunes [2016].
Choreographer of the video dance “Zoé”, directed by Iara Magdaleno [2015] and dancer on the video “o tempo que leva”, directed by João Bastos [2013]; both projects belong to Darcy Ribeiro’s Cinema School.
Creative Interpreter of the Bricolage Project. Direction: Isabella Duvivier. Circulation Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil. The project was contemplated by the Dance Support Fund of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (FADA); with artistic collaboration in the published book: Bricolage Project: manifesto do invisível - Rio de Janeiro: Azougue Editorial, 2014;
“Diga-se de Passagem”: ballerina / performer dancer, presented as part of Dance Panorama Festival on Novíssimos Program [2012];
Interpreter-Creator of “Assim você saberá onde estou, aqui e lá” [2013-2014], through Klauss Vianna Dance Funarte’s Award, both directed by Luisa Coser;
Actress on the show “Senhora dos Afogados”, directed by Ana Kfouri [2010-2011];
Ballerina at the Orfeu Opera, directed by Alberto Renault, Musical Direction and Conducted by Marcelo Fagerlande, Choreography by Giti Bond, with a season at the Teatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro (2007).

Main Awards:
2021-2020 - IBERESCENA Fund Award. Help fund for Ibero-Americana’s scenic arts, on the helpline Support for Creation in Residence with the project "Entre Serras : Residências Artísticas e Poéticas da Sustentabilidade"
2021-2020 - Award on the Promotion of All Arts, from the Federal Law Aldir Blanc with the project "Lab Corpo Palavra: coreografias e dramaturgias cartográficas" -
2020 - FUNARTE’s RespirArte Award with videoart project "escrita: terra, água, sangua" -
2020 - Present Culture Award in the Networks of the State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, through the State Culture Fund with the project "Aula Introdutória - Lab Corpo Palavra" -
2018 - Fomento Award from the State Culture Fund of the state of Minas Gerais with the project "Entre Serras: Artistic and Poetic Residencies of Sustainability" ("Entre Serras : Residências Artísticas e Poéticas da Sustentabilidade") -
2013-2014 - Funarte Dance Prize Klauss Vianna - National Arts Foundation with the project "So you will know where I am, here and there" ("Assim você saberá onde estou, aqui e lá") -
For papers, essays, articles and published books (CLICK HERE).