Forças Intermoleculares | Summer 2021 ed.

In this second edition, we bring together the cartographic production made by members of the artistic residency of Word Body Laboratory: cartographic choreographies and dramaturgy, carried out between January and March 2021, awarded by Federal Law Aldir Blanc Law. Along this route, we took Step I (ethical, aesthetic and political axes) and Step II (poetics of the fall) of the (Un)Learning Program - Virtual Edition, along with the cycle of lectures and roundtables on body practices.
The 4 chapters - Watery Becomings, Earthy Germinations, Synchronicities and Enchantments - reveal textual compositions that are articulated with the bending capacity of the body and the layers of the skin in an intertwining of the actions of
Nessa segunda edição, reunimos a produção cartográfica feita pelos integrantes da residência artística do Lab Corpo Palavra: coreografias e dramaturgias cartográficas, realizada entre janeiro e março de 2021, através do Prêmio Fomento à Todas as Artes, da Lei Aldir Blanc. Nesse percurso tivemos o Módulo I (eixos éticos, estéticos e políticos) e o Módulo II (poéticas da queda) do Programa de (Des)Aprendizagem - Edição Virtual, junto ao ciclo de palestras e rodas de conversas sobre práticas do corpo.
Link for free access to reading the book:
Access the video with Poetic Reading of Forças Intermoleculares:
Author: Aline Bernardi, Ligia Tourinho and Lia Petrelli
Proposition and Creation: Aline Bernardi
Dramaturgy: Ligia Tourinho
Graphic Design and Cover: Lia Petrelli
Artists-researchers-teachers (members of the artistic residency do Lab Corpo Palavra - Edition 2021): Adriana Alves, Ana Gonzalez, Ana Kemper, Bianca Andreoli, Bueno Souza, Clarissa Monteiro, Dani Ramos, Diane Portella, Eliza Pratavieira, Fabíola Brandão, Iara Cerqueira, Ingrid Lemos, Irene Milhomens, Jatobá, Julio Stotz, Ligia Protti, Liora Souza, Majú Cavalcanti, Manu.ela Kemper, Marcelo Araya, Maria, Maria Sacchese, Marluce Medeiros, Matheus Vieira, Michelle Belcanto, Monica Nascimento, Monica Seffair, Raiza Costa, Rayrane Melyssa, Stéphanie Alves, Tainá Dias, Tefa Polidoro, Thalu Veras
Editorial Board: Hélia Borges, Soraya Jorge, Ruth Torralba and Maria Alice Poppe