
Hélia Borges
Hélia Borges, psychoanalyst. PhD in Collective Health from the Institute of Social Medicine at UERJ. Professor of undergraduate and...

Katya Gualter
Katya Gualter is an artist, researcher and dance manager for many years, working with instances that speak about methodologies inspired...

Sandra Benites Guarani Nhandewa
Sandra Benites Guarani Nhandewa, an indigenous thinker of the Guarani ethnicity, primary and secondary school teacher, disseminator of...

Maria Alice Poppe
Maria Alice Poppe is one of today's most recognized contemporary dance dancers. She is a researcher and collaborator in dance creation...

Ondjaki is a writer member of the Angolan Writers' Union, Angolan prose writer and poet, born in Luanda. He has a degree in Sociology...

Ana Kfouri
Ana Kfouri is a theatre director and actress, PhD in Visual Arts from UFRJ and a professor at the Performing Arts Course at PUC-Rio. She...

Soraya Jorge, Ruth Torralba and Lidia Larangeira
Soraya Jorge is a researcher and artist of the movement and gesture word, and introducer of Authentic Movement [@movimentoautentico] in...

Ciane Fernandes
Ciane Fernandes is a full professor at the Escola de Teatro da Universidade Federal da Bahia and one of the founders of the Postgraduate...

Ana Paula Bouzas and Pedro Sá Moraes
Ana Paula Bouzas is an actress, dancer, choreographer and movement director. The relationship of intensive forces in the transits of word...

Encantografar: unknown state of verb
Project awarded by Aldir Blanc Federal Law (performance teaser 👆) Encantografar: unknown state of verb: A constellation of people, words...

Project awarded by Federal Law Aldir Blanc Mãoebius: Touch: communication with the environment. Hands: handicrafts of touch. Moebius:...

writing: earth, water, blood
Project awarded by Funarte Respirarte writing: earth, water, blood The video "escrita: terra, água, sangua" celebrates the meeting of two...

Cadernos Sensórios Corpo Palavra
This collection aims to echo the poetic resonances that emerge from the experience with the practices of Word Body Laboratory in its...
Dani Ramos - educator and designer/illustrator
I'm about to write to express how your dedication in the form of affection, wisdom and attention to each member of this collective...
Tefa Polidoro - pcene artist, buffoonery researcher, professor and researcher in Arts
I feel that we have created a real oasis, a vibrational protection against the straight, grim and destructive world that is out there,...
Monica Nascimento - educator
I write in the flow of my bloodstream, in the heartbeat, in the most micro movements of my body, in believing that there is hope! Here,...

Texturas Translúcidas
The third edition brings together the cartographies of the sensitive of the members of the two classes of Module I (ethical, aesthetic...

I can't talk about Aline
I know how to be with her. our tribe. a connection which is instantly established. swift as our wind. and strong and full of herself like...
Aline first came to me as a scent…
Then there was skin, feel, bone, temperature. In the Aline-time of flowing in time, we became accomplices, friends, sisters. For all...

Lots of space
Talking about Aline Bernardi is needing lots of space for the body to stretch out in dance. (Flávia Muniz - singer and songwriter)