Cadernos Sensórios Corpo Palavra

This collection aims to echo the poetic resonances that emerge from the experience with the practices of Word Body Laboratory in its actions of learning and experimentation processes in the arts of the body and cartographic, somatic and performance writings. Throughout each ebook, textual compositions are revealed, articulated with the bending capacity of the body and the layers of the skin in an intertwining of read-write-speak actions. The body as a passage of vital flows in constant transits between thinking-moving-feeling. Choreographies and dramaturgies anchored in the experimentation of cartographic bodies, which perform an event, can contribute to a remodulation of our presences.
Ebook 1: Vertigem Infinita

Book access link:
Book launch at the III International Colloquium on Arts at the University of Caldas - Colombia:
Video with poetic readings of the book:
Ebook 2: Forças Intermoleculares
Link to access the book:
Project awarded by Federal Law Aldir Blanc
Sensitive Cartographies Art Show Magazine
Texts from the entire creative team, along with the testimonies of the members of Word Body Laboratory: choreographies and cartographic dramaturgy - artistic residency for 7 consecutive weeks from January to March 2021, with daily meetings in virtual format.
Artistic and Conception Direction: Aline Bernardi
Dramaturgy: Ligia Tourinho
Direction Assistance: Lia Petrelli
Production Direction: Aline Bernardi
Executive Production: Laura Addor
Press Office: Racca Comunicação Communication
Direction: Rachel Almeida
Podcast: Lia Petrelli
Libras Translators: Atanael Weber , Cíntia Santos, Gabriela Mattos and Meire Lins
Graphic Project: Emerson Ferreira and Nativu Design
Site: Pedro Sá Moraes
Mediation of the Official Release: Richard Riguetti
Ebook 3: Texturas Translúcidas

Link to access the book: