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Encantografar: unknown state of verb


Project awarded by Aldir Blanc Federal Law

(performance teaser 👆)

Encantografar: unknown state of verb:

A constellation of people, words and places in motion. 33 artists in creative process under the artistic direction of Aline Bernardi, dramaturgy by Lígia Tourinho, art direction by Lia Petrelli and audiovisual editing by Júlio Stotz. Slipping gestures that slide and reveal the synthesis of collectivizing itself in the form of a performance video created in a state of quarantine. How to denounce the disenchantment of the world and create sensory events to re-enchant oneself? Planting a seed a week, performing self care and caring for the others, guided by the cultivation of the mantra "Gaya still nursing and this brings hope", the work is an invitation to swirl like a “pombagira” in becoming flow through the dizzying weaves of images, sounds and scenes. An activation of the listening of the earth, our ground, and an invitation to feel, act, perceive, seduce and dream of another time of re-inauguration of the world, exercising the postponement of the end of the world, as the cosmovision of the original peoples so well summons us.

Fact sheet:

direction: aline bernardi

dramaturgy: ligia tourinho

art direction: lia petrelli

photography and audiovisual editing direction: julio stotz

Executive Production: Laura Addor

Artists Creators: Adriana Alves + Ana Carolina Gonzalez + Ana Kemper + Bianca Andreoli + Bueno Souza + Clarissa Monteiro + Dani Ramos + Diane Portella + Eliza Pratavieira + Fabíola Brandão + Iara Cerqueira + Ingrid Lemos + Irene Milhomens + Ligia Protti + Liora Souza + Marcelo Araya (DelFuego) + Marluce Medeiros + Maria + Maria Sacchese + Majú Cavalcanti + Matheus Vieira + Michelle Belcanto + Manu.ela Kemper + Monica Nascimento + Monica Seffair + Raíza Costa + Jatobá + Rayrane Melyssa + Stéphanie Alves + Tainá Dias + Thalu Veras + Tefa Polidoro

Collaborator Artist: Pauan


Voice, percussion, trombone and composition (Crueza): Irene Milhomens

Violão and composition (Qu'il pleuve): DelFuego

Voice, guitar and composition (Of fire and tear): DelFuego

Voice, guitar and composition (Terreviravoltavida): Thalu Veras

Percussion (Pulse): DelFuego

Voice and composition (Let her work and Toque back): Bueno

Voz and percussion (Letter from Thonos to Cronos): Thalu Veras

Composition (Letter from Thonos to Cronos): Thalu Veras and Jatobá

Voice and composition (DECFSC VINGR AS FHUI): Michelle Belcanto

Voice and composition (Lotus Lama): Matheus Vieira


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