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Ana Kfouri


Ana Kfouri is a theatre director and actress, PhD in Visual Arts from UFRJ and a professor at the Performing Arts Course at PUC-Rio. She is one of the coordinators of the first Lato Sensu post-graduate course in Performing Arts: Relations between Body and Word, at PUC-Rio, which is starting in March 2021. Besides doing post-doctoral work at PPGAC ECo UFRJ, Ana inaugurated her space dedicated to artistic research, the Ana Kfouri Study Centre, CEAK, in 2017. Among many feats and achievements, her scenic construction Uma Frase Para Minha Mãe (A sentence to my mother), which is still unfolding, and the release of her book Forças de Um Corpo Vazado (Forces of an Emptied Body), launched in Rio de Janeiro by the publishers 7Letras and PuC-Rio, stand out.


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